Saturday 30 July 2011

New blogginings...

So as I have entered a new stage of life, which in my opinion I consider to be the crash following your youthful sugar-high confidence of knowing everything ... to knowing absolutely nothing. I have just recendly graduated University in a degree that concentrates on fixing the world's problems, which at the beginning I very much cared about and now realized there's absolutely nothing I can do especially when I'm at the "finding myself" stage... so therefore, I have decided to start a blog of my random thoughts and perspectives on the daily 'hustle'.

So maybe I'll begin with a little description of myself; as I have mentioned I have just finished school, I have no job, I live at my parents house (which I have never left) in suburbia, I am 'fairly' single, very superstitious, possiply anal retentive, fairly skeptical yet a little gullible, I have no siblings so I have loner tendencies and I was born in the Soviet regime (young when I left but nonetheless, discipline and work ethic has been what my brain was bombarded with) ... however, what I do have going for myself is my looks and hopefully my charm haha! I have a peculiar taste for the ghetto and I do very much enjoy cat stories.

After my school ended in May and my job in retail got closed I decided to dedicate my summer to finding a new direction in life... I stayed home and applied for jobs everywhere, sunbathed, ran and worked out daily, went out for drinks with friends, travelled to Norway and Denmark with my parents... by the time July came, I had received no call-backs for jobs, I grew tired of my parents and all my friends seemed to be doing their own more successful thing. Also, I live in Ottawa, a conservative, government city; to my standards I consider it very boring and small with a very large female to male ratio (not cool when considering the men are way below sub-par with the average height of 5'8)so all I ended up doing was laying in bed watching shallow reality shows and waiting and anticipating for a reasonable hour to sleep. So I have decided to drop everything and move 2 hours away to Montreal... bigger, cooler, city with more men and better drinks... I have found a potential retail job and I still have to look for an appartment... Astrologically speaking this Chinese year of the Rabbit ( is my year) and should bring me good fortune... lol and hopefully I won't fail miserably... I did make my new years' resolution for 2011 to get a cat... which means I need my own place which in turn means i need a job... and so far that has been a good motivating factor... My parents are a little freaked out but I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope I have the balls to go through with it....

So this is a little into I guess... I do promise a lot more funniness to come

Also, I'm gonna play the game which I have coined as the "shuffle game" where I ask my ipod a question give a number I think of shuffle that many times, and depending which song goes on, it will answer my question...
First question: "will I ACTUALLY go through with my super spontaneous city change?"
I guess the number...14!
song to go on: Imagination by Jill Scott (hmm this song is about 'making love')
My explanation... I will make love in Montreal... (my cup is half full at the  moment so i won't say it's all in my "imagination") HA! good beginnings indeed!
.... actually its a pretty sexy song.... you know what? .... just what I need... maybe she means her imagination came true!!! yes! SCORE!


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